31 October 2009

Analyze - Picture 3

The above photo revealed the exotic of the male model; the photographer placed the model in an extremely simple village backdrop, and by the impact and irrational scene, to form a visual shock. And the framing method, “Rule of thirds” (三分構圖) compositional rule was used to treat this photo, trying to create a uniqueness image of the man. The placement illustrated the distinctive style of the model. The asymmetrical frame uses a larger element to offset smaller elements, while somehow still keeping everything composed. The arrangement of the background village expressed the concept of “simple”, so the relevance of the fashion model broken the origins of the scene, it highly reflected the motivation of the operator (photographer), she would like to emphasis the existence and unique of the model. The sight of the model was easily enhanced the imagination and interest of viewers. Besides, a very interesting relationship was founded in this photo; it is about the visual fun of “Dualism” (Comparison). The following were the “visible” and “invisible” combinations of the visual elements.

1) Eastern (Chinese style’s houses and bricks) versus Western (The male model)

2) Modern (The male model) versus Traditional (Chinese style’s houses and bricks)

3) Near (The “fashionable” model) versus Far (A man’s back)

The photo via the emergence of the dressed-up male model ironically to reflect the differences of modern and traditional (Background). The photographer was trying to depict the time differences by the male model’s style and the grayish Chinese houses & walls. In conclusion, the exotic appear of the model was used to create the effect to singling out the models from their surrounding. Such visual compositional effect was commonly used in “Fashion Photography” field.

Analyze - Picture 2

By the displayed of “proportion” and “Contrast” aesthetic principles, the viewer’s attention may easily fascinated by the visual stimulation. Photographer used the method of "contrast" to attract the attendance of the spectator. Adding “movement” to the balance creates further visual refreshment. Attraction was formed by the representations of manner/activity (fishing action) of the female model, then to raise the interesting imagination of fishing, so the meaning of “fishing” beyond the original comprehension. About the arrangement of the model icon, placing the subject “off-centre” can add dynamism to an image and reduce the static factor. And the visible of the “little” man became the balance point of this picture, helped to make the symmetric effect. Different visual guidelines were revealed in this photo, such as the seashore, the fishing equipment etc. But instead of the “lines” mentioned previously, there still have a “dot line” visual guideline, the starting point (little man), the turning point (the fish) and the end point (the woman) should be connected, their relationship and positions also formed a “triangular” frame. The most interesting point, there have further connotation seemed hidden, the placement of the fish had a symbolic meaning, it was possibly represented some erotic significant (desire); especially when it is presented by a woman. So the “Metaphoric” became the most exciting “secret” and “interest” of this photo. And the “space” and “distance” of the two people also became an eye-catching point. Finally, the framing method of this photo is “Lines composition” (線條構圖).

Analyze - Picture 1

Yelena Yemchuk

The photographer used the framing method of “Center” (中分法) to emphasis the emergence of the model, mainly for composing the visual balance of the photo. And from the concept of visual aesthetical, to stimulate the viewers, catching by the visual impact of the picture. For instance, the arrangement of colors tone was obviously designed in this photo. By the usage of the colors, it is easily to found the contrast (對比) colors visual effect; the appearance of “greenish” grass and “darkness” water seemed to reflect the photographer was depicted the differences of “life” and “dead” (生命和死亡); it seemed to be one of the invisible symbolic meanings of this photo. And the model also is the “Visual Focus” (視覺凝聚) of this picture. Furthermore, some religious visual metaphors (視覺隱喻) were hidden; the appeal of goddess obviously presented by the dressing style of the model, so that by the showcase of the “spiritual” icon (Fashion model), tended to emphasis the uniqueness of her wardrobe. In conclude, the metaphoric visual language was used for this photo, it contains the abstract implication of “existence”. Undoubtedly, from the view of natural, this photo is only an “artificial settings”; the objective is from the cool mix of fashion styling and nature background elements, to conform the desire of mystery scenario.